Tuesday, September 22, 2009


A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Keep on "pulling"!! We are well within reach of our first 1,000,000 meters and that should fall at some point today. Yesterday we did an incredible 177,000 at this rate our 2,000,000 meters goal will look like underachievement! :)

Brad "POS" Posnanski continues to log in the consistent numbers and is our third team member to cross the 100,000 meter mark. Not only would I want to be in a math class with him, but put me in his boat too!! Remember we NEED 10 people to hit 100,000 meters for Team CFI to earn a shot at winning an "erg"!! What's an "erg"...it is the technical...in the know term...for a rowing machine. An ergometer is a device used to measure work.

Take a moment to check out the team numbers below...I have highlighted those individuals over 50,000, but certainly not to take anything away from every contribution being made. There is some cool saying about "it takes a village" and this is no different. We need everyone to be pulling for this goal.

How To Eat an Elephant

Often times, in a number of different life scenarios I, as I feel most, get overwhelmed by the enormity of a challenge or situation and become paralyzed to even begin or to contribute. In times like these we need to take a step back and bring our attention and our focus to the present moment. The present moment is so fleeting yet so valuable that we squander it with thoughts about tomorrow and the "ouldas" that we miss out on the great opportunity to be a part of something today. This event is no different. I admit, I have fallen victim to thoughts of the enormity of this challenge and the pressures that I have put on myself to contribute to the team...all wasted energy. Whether it is a 5K or 200K contribution each are the right amount, but don't get overwhelmed with trying to attain anything for anyone else other than yourself. Because much like our "whiteboard" that hangs in the gym, come October 15...all these meters get erased...no one wins a million dollars...it is in the self satisfaction that individually we contributed to a team objective that is the goal at hand. So while the overall long term objective may seem ominous...the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time...we will get there...and when we arrive, it will be just as it was supposed to.


I am probably one of the last people to start writing a blog entry on "nutrition" however in this very specific scenario I have a little bit of experience. I have had years of experience doing/training for Ironman distance triathlons as well as other endurance types of events so I know a little about fueling my body during extended training sessions. Before I make any suggestions, the caveat is to be found in the previous sentence..."fueling my body". We are all different and require different amounts of fuel to operate and respond to different types of fuel...so the key is to try things out. The second caveat is if your longest session of movement (specifically rowing) will be 20-30 minutes, your water bottle should be sufficient. It is when you move into the 45+ minutes that your body starts asking for some assistance. You wouldn't fill up the tank in your car in San Diego and head off to New York expecting to make it on one tank...would you? Our bodies are the same...we require constant fueling especially when we are contantly moving. I am not going to get into all the scientific details (because I don't know them) and I will let Mr. Riebel pick up any questions, but I will share with you a brand of products and a process that I use in my training.

I use an assortment of nutritional products from Hammer Nutrition http://www.hammernutrition.com/

During Exercise
1. Sub 1-2 Hours - HEED
2. Over 1.5-2+ hours - Perpeteum or Sustained Energy

Post Exercise
1. Recoverite

Why do I use these products? Check out their site for all the great marketing answers and nutitional information, but for me it is convenience. These are all powdered drinks that have been scientifically designed to deliver the right amount of essential nutrients to the body in a way that the body can use them without the sugars and garbage in a lot of the other products. When you push your body for a long period of time it taxes your digestive system when you try introduce nutrition into the equation...this takes out all the thinking.

Hopefully this helps a little.

RANKING REPORT (as of 9:15am PST)

General Classification
Ranked 17th out of 226 - 906,151 meters

Team Type Classification - Health Club
Ranked 3rd out of 39

CrossFit Rankings
Ranked 1st out of 16

Top 5 CrossFit Affiliates
CrossFit Invictus - 906,151
No Excuses Athletics CrossFit - 564,964
CrossFit Louisville East - 362,012
CrossFit Lethbridge - 346,440
CrossFit Decatur - 192,130
*CrossFit San Diego - 23,257

Team CrossFit Invictus By The Numbers
1 Moses Aum — 5,017
2 Elisabeth Baker - 89,850
3 Kelly Ballard - 3,500
4 Miriam Castro — 6,800
5 Jeff Clark — 18,000
6 Brent Clarke - 2,000
7 Rebecca Claunch — 0
8 Courtland Creekmore — 4,300
9 George Economou - 2,000
10 Joshua Edgeman - 2,000
11 Sean Erb - 4,500
12 Shane Farmer - 15,000
13 Matt Frediani - 121,889
14 Ari Gelles - 6,000
15 Kenny Greenfield - 5,000
16 Rachel Hale — 2,000
17 Kristen Hatcher — 3,000
18 Nick Hawkes - 85,170
19 Jennifer Henry - 1,000
20 Mike Hom - 11,500
21 Courtney Johnson - 13,000
22 Carolyn Kaye - 0
23 Cynthia Lumley - 11,000
24 Barry Lumley — 0
25 Richard Madrid — 4,000
26 CJ Martin — 17,000
27 Pops Martin — 4,000
28 Karen Martin — 3,000
29 Carla McDonald - 6,335
30 Cody McLaughlin — 7,166
31 Katie McLaughlin — 3,000
32 Jon Miller — 13,050
33 Brad Posnanski - 101,095
34 Christine Read — 61,500
35 Mark Riebel - 42,410
36 Trinette Sachrison - 0
37 Amanda Schuk — 8,000
38 Rhonda Seabolt — 2,000
39 Aaron Stine - 14,980
40 Tabitha Stine - 11,310
41 Calvin Sun — 6,000
42 Eizabeth Terris — 6,110
43 Adam Towle - 140,000
44 Kimberly Towle — 10,119
45 Michele Vieux - 28,150
46 Josh Yonas — 2,400
47 Nick Zabatino — 2,000

1 comment:

  1. Okay team, that's it for me for a while! I'm off to Utah with no Ergs in sight. I'll be back to my sweet rower on Tuesday. Keep those meters piling up! - Betsy (Elisabeth Baker)
